Meet the team

From an initial team of one in Belfast in 2013, Flax and Teal has expanded significantly since, adding people in new locations and expanding our capabilities to meet growing customer needs.

Now spread across 4 locations, Northern Ireland, Bulgaria, India and California, the Flax and Teal team currently consists of 13 people and continues to grow.

With customers across Ireland, the UK, Europe and Northern America the team spans across several timezones. Expertise is enhanced across the teams through establishing technical competency groups led by experienced leaders, charged with ensuring best practice and efficient learning across all the organisation.

Phil Weir | Founder


Founder and director of Flax & Teal Ltd., Phil is also lead architect on our projects and services, as an experienced scientist and web developer. Phil has a PhD in Python-based mathematical simulation, and is one of Northern Ireland’s qualified Kubernetes trainer.
Phil has successfully delivered Python and Kubernetes training, and also has experience working with geo-spatial data. He has presented at PyCon New Zealand (2012) on numerical analysis, FEniCS 2016 (scientific Python) on web-based simulations, and at the Open Data Science Conference 2017 in London on web-based, on-demand data analysis.

Adam Kelly | Front-end Developer


Adam joins our team as a front-end developer with experience in Javascript, Software Testing Life Cycle and UI / front-end build. He holds a degree in Computer Science from Ulster Univeristy and a foundation degree in Computing.

Alana Murphy | Operations Lead


Alana works as an operations analyst within Flax & Teal, alongside carrying out a lot of our day-to-day duties as a company. Alana has a BSc in social science with quantitative methods and empirical research from Queen’s University. Alana has worked with SPSS, Stata, HTML and Python toolings in data analysis. She also has experience with UX/UI testing.

Andrea Kyurchiev | Full-Stack Developer


Andrea joined Flax & Teal as a free-lance consultant, before coming to work with us permanently as a full-stack developer. He is an experienced developer, working with PHP, Laravel, JavaScript, C-Sharp, VueJS and more. He has experience with both front and back-end development, from initial build to full platform deployment.

Ellery Ames | Scientific Software Engineer


Ellery joins our team as an experienced Scientific Software Engineer. He has a background in physics and mathematics, with a PhD from the University of Oregon in Physics. He has experience with computational physics, engineering, mathematical modelling, geo-metric analysis, Python, C/C++ and Kubernetes!

Hristiyana Deliyska | Project & Business Development Manager


Hristiyana is our Project and Business Development Manger! Hristiyana has a background in economics and international relations and experience with international business development.

Jana Lorencova | Information Scientist


Jana has joined our team as an Information Scientist, specialising in data cataloguing, adminstration and has an MA in International Relations and Politics from the University of Aberdeen.

Kamen Dimitrov | Developer


Kamen is our junior software developer. He completed studying Software Engineering in Sofia and has experience with Java, Python, Rust and Go programming languages and back-end development.

Kanika Miglani | Data Science & Analysis


Kanika joined us to add to our machine learning and data science analytics skill-sets. Kanika has a Masters in Mathematics and Statistics from the Indian Institute of Technology and is an experienced data scientist with a background in Python, ML and R. Kanika has experience mentoring companies to enhance digital transformation and innovation, with client’s stating: “Kanika has been a great help and mentor to Genysys Engine. Thanks to Kanika’s knowledge and guidance we have been able to analyze, learn & expand our Deep Learning models.”

May Cheung | Operations Manager / Co-Ordinator


May adds to our operations team with 20 years experience working within the tech and legal sectors. May helps co-ordinate our in-house strategy and operations, and is also currently CFO for OpenUK, highlighting her passion and dedication to open source. She is also a Director and key volunteer organiser of NIDC (Northern Ireland Developers Conference), having been involved in multiple capacities since the first conference in 2017.

Sharon Ingram | Cloud Architect


Sharon joins our team as an experienced cloud engineer and certified Azure Solutions Architecture and DevOps Expert. She has over 10 years experience within this role and adds to our cloud engineering and computational skill-sets. Sharon also has experience with Kubernetes, .NET, Oracle, Javascript and C-Sharp.

Shauna Fitzsimons | Product Owner


Shauna adds to our team in our data analysis and supporting project management tasks. Shauna works on licensing and compliance to ensure the highest standards are met.

Stuart Marshall | Progressing Developer


Stuart joins our team as a Progressing Software Developer with an extensive background in 3D design, architecture and additive manufacturing. He has experience working in the front-end and backend, including; VR technologies such as Blender, CSS, JavaScript, HMTL, C# and .NET, with expertise in Vue and React.